Monday, January 7, 2013

Phonological and Phonemic Awareness 1.0

Objective 1 requires you to understand phonological and phonemic awareness. At the most basic level, phonological awareness is an umbrella term under which phonemic awareness falls. 

Phonological awareness refers to the awareness that oral language is comprised of smaller units (complete thoughts, words, syllables, and individual sounds). 
The individual sounds are referred to as phonemes. The awareness and manipulation of phonemes is a specific type of phonological awareness called phonemic awareness. 
Both phonological and phonemic awareness are speaking and listening skills. You do not need to see anything to demonstrate phonological and phonemic awareness. 
The Foundations of Reading (90) MTEL covers ten objectives. The specific objectives and the percentage of points associated with each can be found here: Foundations of Reading Test Objectives.
The test is largely organized by objective, with cluster of questions related to a specific objective. Objective 9 (Understand multiple approaches to reading instruction) is more of a "catch-all" objective in which the test makers can integrate information from various objectives and apply them to instructional situations. Objective 10 (Prepare an organized, developed analysis on a topic related to one or more of the following:  foundations of reading development; development of reading comprehension; reading assessment and instruction.) are the open response questions.